Nancy Vannorsdel
Nancy Vannorsdel has been appointed to the board of Idaho Children Are Children, bringing with her
extensive experience in the areas of banking, business and philanthropy. Vannorsdel began her
distinguished 30-year banking career with First Interstate bank as a Trust Officer and subsequently held
senior positions as VP of Marketing, Senior VP in charge of Retail, Area President for Idaho and Montana
and Division Manager of Premier banking for the Northwest.
Following her retirement from banking, she was appointed to the Board of the Boise Metro Chamber of
Commerce and held the position of CEO of the Chamber, a position she held for over 10 years. In
addition to banking and her Chamber position. During this period, she held a seat on the Regence
Blue Shield board retiring from the board as Chairman after 12 years. She currently sits on the board of
the Idaho Housing and Finance Association.
Concurrently, Vannorsdel held many philanthropic positions in the community. Most notable was the
board member and president of the Boise Philharmonic, President of the Idaho Bankers Association,
board member of United Way of Idaho, President of Idaho Voices for Children, board member of IACI,
Interim CEO of the Idaho Aquarium and many others. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration/Retail Marketing from Denver University.