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H236 - Denial of Attendance, Enrollment

SUPPORT This bill IS good for Idaho Children

This legislation is a necessary step toward maintaining safe and effective learning environments for all students and educators. By allowing school boards to deny enrollment to students with severe behavior issues when they are being disenrolled in lieu of discipline or expulsion, and by requiring parental disclosure of past severe crimes, the bill enhances school safety and ensures transparency in the enrollment process.

Key Reasons to Support the Legislation:

  1. Protecting the Learning Environment – Schools have a fundamental responsibility to provide a safe and productive learning space. Disruptive or violent students can interfere with the educational rights of others. Students have rights, but schools may impose restrictions if conduct disrupts the learning environment. This legislation enables schools to take proactive steps in maintaining order.

  2. Enhancing School Safety – In the wake of increasing school violence incidents nationwide, this bill takes a preventative approach by allowing administrators to identify and address potential safety threats before they escalate. The requirement for parents to disclose prior adjudications for severe crimes provides schools with critical information to assess security risks.

  3. Strengthening Local School Board Authority – The bill empowers local school boards—those closest to their communities—to make informed decisions about student enrollment. Rather than a one-size-fits-all state mandate, this legislation allows elected officials to weigh individual cases, ensuring fair consideration while prioritizing safety.

  4. Upholding Parental Rights and Due Process – The bill includes a safeguard ensuring that parents and guardians are notified in writing and have the opportunity to contest the decision before the school board.

  5. Encouraging Transparency and Accountability – By requiring parents to disclose past severe criminal adjudications, the bill ensures schools have full knowledge of potential risks. This transparency allows for proactive planning, proper support services, and risk mitigation strategies, benefiting both the student in question and the larger school community.

  6. Alternative Education Options Remain Available – This bill does not bar students from receiving an education. Students who are denied enrollment can seek alternative schooling options, such as virtual learning, home schooling, specialized programs, or placement in institutions better equipped to address behavioral challenges. This aligns with the principle that public education is a right, but that schools also have the authority to maintain a safe environment


This legislation strikes a reasonable balance between student rights and school safety. It enables school boards to make case-by-case determinations, provides due process protections, and allows for transparency in the enrollment process. Most importantly, it prioritizes the well-being of the majority of students and staff, ensuring that classrooms remain safe and conducive to learning.

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