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H44 - School Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)

SUPPORT This bill IS good for Idaho Children

This bill is intended to provide information to parents or guardians whose children have been involved in a bullying incident in schools. It is proven that schools are safer when incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) are firmly addressed. This is one reason Idaho has a formal process requiring school staff to report incidents of HIB to the state. This bill would ensure that families whose students are involved in a serious HIB incident are also notified so they can take necessary steps. 

In compliance with all federal and state laws protecting student privacy, there is a procedure for the reporting incidents of HIB that result in a student being suspended from school. The occurrence of such incidents shall be reported to the parents or legal guardians of both the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator, as well as law enforcement if the alleged conduct may violate any criminal law. Schools, administrators, policy makers will be able to understand further the context of the incidents, causes, and harm done.

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