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S1069 - Literacy Intervention

SUPPORT This bill IS good for Idaho Children

This legislation is a good step forward in strengthening early literacy education in Idaho. It ensures that all Kindergarten through Grade 3 teachers and elementary administrators receive professional development rooted in the science of reading and evidence-based best practices.

Key Benefits of the Legislation:

  1. Improves Early Literacy Outcomes – Research shows that students who do not read proficiently by third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010). This bill prioritizes proven, research-based instructional methods to ensure early reading success.

  2. Aligns Teaching Practices with Scientific Research – The science of reading is backed by decades of research in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and linguistics. This approach emphasizes phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, helping all students—especially struggling readers—build strong literacy skills.

  3. Statewide Standardization – By providing consistent, high-quality professional development to all K-3 teachers and elementary administrators, the legislation ensures that students across all districts, regardless of location or resources, receive high-quality reading instruction. By focusing on districts with lower reading scores, this bill will help apply resources where they are needed most.

  4. Maximizes Use of Existing Literacy Funds – The bill ensures that Idaho's literacy dollars are being spent effectively by aligning funding with evidence-based best practices in the locations where funds are needed most.

  5. Supports Teachers with Coaching and Training – Effective literacy instruction requires ongoing professional development. This bill provides coaching and real-time support for teachers, allowing them to implement new reading strategies effectively in their classrooms.

  6. Addresses the Reading Gap – According to Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) scores, many students enter fourth grade without proficient reading skills. By intervening early with research-backed instruction, this legislation can help close achievement gaps and improve long-term student success.


This legislation reinforces Idaho’s commitment to literacy education by equipping teachers with the tools, training, and support they need to deliver high-quality reading instruction. It ensures literacy funding is used effectively while aligning statewide instruction with the latest reading research. Most importantly, it sets Idaho’s youngest learners on a path toward lifelong success.

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